Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Slate and Marble Effects on Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring can be used to perk up the appearance of any room, including bathrooms and kitchen, because of its flair, versatility and affordable nature. Vinyl floors not only look beautiful and add positively to interior décor, but are also easy to clean and maintain. Different types of vinyl sheets and tiles are prepared by adding color and other materials which form a specific pattern on the surface. This pattern gives a new and expensive look to the entire room.

By using this technique of changing texture, vinyl sheets can be given effects of marble, slate, timber, and cork. You can also experiment with these patterns by choosing attractive colors like light black, dark black, hunter green, rust, gray, light oak, mahogany, gold, beige, rose, and blue. Slate and marble vinyl tiles come in different sizes including 12” x 12”, 16” x 16”, and 18” x 18”. High quality tiles are now available online for purchase at affordable prices.

Slate vinyl tiles reflect the ruthless natural phenomenon by which they are formed. As a result they look beautiful and earthy bringing you closer to nature. In addition to this, these tiles are practical and safe as they are made from slip-resistant surface. They are perfect to be installed in the kitchen and bathrooms where there is high risk of slipping because of moisture.

If you plan on decorating your home with natural materials like wood and stone, slate tiles would be an excellent choice. The best thing about these vinyl tiles is that they are available in a number of beautiful colors. You have options like volcanic slate, copper, and rustic slate to choose from.

If your budget does not allow buying original marble and slate tiles, vinyl flooring that gives the same look can be installed. They are prepared with such neatness and quality that no one will be able to tell the difference.